
Utilizing BIONOVA’s modular proprietary technologies, we have made it possible to combine multiple antioxidants, anti-free radical scavengers, unstable coenzymes, neurotransmitters, nucleosides and self healing modulators together with libido enhancers into one unified delivery vehicle. This complex acts synergistically utilizing all biological activity of the integrated bioactive substances thus imitating the physiological processes in living organisms.



The nutritional supplement developed by BIONOVA



Use: Chronic stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, prostate cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, alcohol induced apoptosis and advanced macular degeneration (AMD).


Benefits: Fights against oxidative stress, helps slow down biological processes of aging, alleviate chronic fatigue syndrome, boost immune system, supports cardiovascular health and metabolic & self healing enhancer.

Life science nanotechnological platform integration in nutritional products.

BIONOVA’s technological platforms allow for a new generation of nutritional products to be made with high efficacy results while reducing the active ingredients used today. This reduction of active ingredients to nano and pico quantities drastically reduces the possible side effects associated to the active substance. 


Bio-intelligence™ for complete customization

The Bio-intelligence™ platform can create nutritional supplements based on a customer's personal profile matrix. Adding necessary Nanocomplexes in the proper quantities/ratio to the nutritional supplement after the SmartDoc™ process of gathering specific customer health care related information. This process tailor makes nutritional supplements specific to an individual.


How Oxitrel™ works

Oxitrel™ utilizes specific Nanocomplexes (predominantly indigenous to the human body) to activate the self healing processes of a dysfunctional cell on all three levels of biological information transfer (BIT) synergistically. This initiation of the self healing processes directly mimics normal BIT in living organisms, making it a very natural process. This normalization of BIT and cell metabolism is essential to support natural defense mechanisms against the adverse effects of free radicals and to considerably reduce possible side effects.


Oxitrel™ is composed of the following:

  • (4) Antioxidant Nanocomplexes™
  • (4) Anti-free radical scavengers Nanocomplexes™
  • (5) Bioflavonoid Nanocomplexes™
  • (2) Carotenoid Nanocomplexes™
  • (7) Coenzyme Nanocomplexes™
  • (3) Microelement Nanocomplexes™
  • (5) Nucleoside Nanocomplexes™
  • (5) Amino acid neurotransmitters Nanocomplexes™
  • (2) Self healing modulator Nanocomplexes™
  • Libido Enhancer Nanocomplexes™
  • Imitation of NuCell-Direct™ delivery system