Fundamental Science


First and foremost function of the human physiology is survival (from; trauma, extreme conditions, aggression, and etc). Thru evolution the living organisms developed sophisticated adaptation mechanisms to extreme conditions.


Initial Goal

In 1978 Dr. Danielov (CEO, BIONOVA) dedicated his research to increase the survival rate of patients after severe trauma. Utilizing the full backing of the Georgia State Medical School (USSR) and Institute of Experimental Morphology Academy of Science, Dr. Danielov began his scientific research to develop a new drug.



Multiple years of complex research led Dr. Danielov and his team of scientists to the understanding that it is impossible to develop a truly effective drug based on the existing technological platform (singular bioactive substance). This arduous research, mistakes and experiments led the team to develop a new technological platform based on normalizing genetically determined chain of biological information transfer (BIT).  The technological outcome is Bio-intelligence™ platform:

  • Nanocomplexes - production of building blocks for normalizing biological information transfer (BIT). Utilizing proprietary technologies:  Opti-Path™ in combination with NuCell-Direct™ delivery system.
  • Personalization - the development of Nanocomplexes allows for customization/personalization of health and wellness products in the Life science industries.
  • Efficacy - targeting the individual's biophysiological profile and the use of Nanocomplexes increases the self healing processes and adaptation mechanisms, while reducing the side effects.
  • SmartDoc™- Semi-artificial intelligence analytical system allows the adjustment of biological activity in the product dependant on the customer profile matrix. 


These new technological platforms will introduce a whole new category of healthy lifestyle and revolutionize the way we live. 

From the scientists:


The Problem:

We have to be reminded that the first and foremost function of human physiology is not the function of well-being or reproduction but survival in extreme conditions. During evolution the living organisms developed sophisticated adaptation mechanisms to critical physical aggression and extreme environmental conditions. After severe trauma the body mobilizes all its resources (post-aggressive reactions) and triggers all available defense mechanisms intended for one purpose – survival.  Any adaptation to extreme condition has its limits. Pathogenesis (mechanism of dysfunction) of severe post-aggression reaction of the living organism after a certain point may transfer to thanatogenesis (mechanisms of death). 


Initial Goal:

The development of a new drug to reduce death of patients after severe trauma. 


Research & methodology:

Research was dedicated to understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of post-aggressive reaction and its transition from pathogenesis to thanatogenesis. 


This research started in 1978 and was continuously financed by the government of former Soviet Union thru Academy of Science in the Institute of Experimental Morphology. Dr. Danielov founded and headed a new dept dedicated to this specific research. Since post aggressive reaction of the living system triggers all defense mechanisms of the living system, it required the study of multiple biochemical, biophysiological and circulatory parameters simultaneously in different parts of the body and organs. This kind of research required participation of professionals from different fields of science: (biomedical science: medical doctors, biologists, biochemists, pathologists, and morphologist as well as biophysics and chemists). In addition other technical professionals (mathematicians, engineers, programmers and fabricators) were needed to analyze thousands of experimental data and develop /build new equipment for these studies.


More than 80  inter and intracellular signaling parameters were studied including hormones and biologically active substances. In parallel the study of more than 100 hemodynamic (cardiovascular circulation) parameters were conducted.


The study included the examination of the following biochemical and circulatory parameters:


Biochemical Parameters:

  • First Degree Messengers
  • Second Degree Messengers
  • Inter and Intra Cellular Messengers
  • Cell Membrane
  • Cytoplasmic Receptors

Circulation Parameters:

  • Systemic Hemodynamics
  • Cerebral Hemodynamics

  • Peripheral Circulation

  • Microcirculation
  • Contractile Function of the Myocardium


Concentrations of hormones and biologically active substance (first and second degree messengers) have been evaluated by radioimmunoassay (RIA) methodology, which is characterized by high specificity, high sensitivity and highest possible precision. Radiometry of the samples were evaluated on Beta-1, Beta-2, Gamma-1, and Gamma-12 radiochemical analyzers to detect nano and pico quantities of biologically active substances in different experimental biological materials.

Each biochemical parameter (described above) had been studied in the process of shock development every 30 minutes – 1 hour. Test materials had been collected from multiple arterial and venous systems (regional and central blood circulatory system) as well as from different organs/tissues. In parallel, a very complex study of hemodynamics was conducted. Majority of the circulation parameters were continuously monitored and the rest measured every 30 minutes.

Through 1981 to 1989, Dr. Danielov in cooperation with some of the world’s best mathematicians, equipment fabricators, programmers and process designers, including Dr. K. Kalantarov, Dr. A. Kaufman, and Dr. Beliakov developed four generations of automatic scintillation counters for beta and gamma radiation (Gamma-1, Beta-1, Gamma-2; Beta-2, Gamma-12). In 1984 Dr. Danielov and the esteemed team of co-developers were nominated for the ‘State Prize’ (Highest award in the former USSR for science and technology) for their groundbreaking and unique developments in new generation of technology / equipment. 




The initial goal of creating a new singular substance (drug) to treat patients after severe trauma was found to be impossible. It was evident that no new singular substance could help reduce lethality after severe aggression on a living organism. 


The research of Dr. Danielov and his team of scientists led to the understanding of regulatory mechanisms in post-aggressive reactions of living organisms. After two decades,  the basic conclusion of their extensive experiments dedicated to studying pathogenesis and thanatogenesis of living organisms can be concluded in the following basic statements:

  • Discovery of the adaptation mechanism of the living organism under extreme conditions.
  • Development of a new scientific concept of biological information transfer (BIT).
  • Development of a new tactics and methodology of how to affect and normalize biological Information transfer.
  • Development of life science nanotechnological platform (Opti-Path™ & NuCell-Direct™ technological processes) for imitation of biological information transfer(BIT) in living systems. 
  • Based on Opti-path™ and NuCell-Direct™ technological platforms, Nanocomplexes were bioengineered to normalize specific dysfunctions. These Nanocomplexes  allowed for development of a new generation of health and wellness products for multiple life science industries.
  • Logistics of semi-artificial intelligence analytical system for creation of personalized health care products.


Fundamental research in area of inter and intracellular signaling in the pathogenesis of shock, stress and other post-aggressive reactions led to the understanding of mechanisms of BIT and the effect when those information transfer fails.


Dr. Danielov was the first to reveal that the best approach to future medicine would be to use substances that naturally exist in the body, instead of creating and administering new substances. Everything that our body requires has already been created and placed within and our cells; these cells know best how to fix themselves.


The team discovered methods of ‘copying’ nature, actually learning how to ‘put together’ multiple biological informational substances in bio-physiological concentration (nano and pico quantities). Nano and pico quantities are the amount that living systems needs to repair malfunctioning pathways of information transfer. Minute quantities of carefully selected substances that naturally occur in the human body were sufficient to restore genetically determined cell functionality.


Summary of (BIT)

The practical outcome of many years of experiments can conclude, that the restoration of information stability in the living organism is possible only by:

  • Restoring the dysfunctional genetically determined chain of information transfer.
  • Acting simultaneously on all the levels of the biological information transfer.
  • Ensuring the stability of information flow of the living organism by supporting all the basic elements responsible for biological information transfer.
  • Reconstruction of the genetically determined chain of biological information transfer is only possible by bio-engendering/imitating natural biologically active complexes (Nanocomplexes). 

In other words, the restoration of malfunctioned biological information transfer is only possible by imitation of self healing processes. This is achieved through the use of Nanocomplexes which are made from indigenous substances found in the living organism.


Concept of BIT

Any living organism to function normally needs permanent inter and intracellular communication. This allows adaptation to newly developing situations. To achieve stable communication we need to understand the levels of biological information transfer (BIT) and the workings within those levels.


The transfer of biological information and realization of its effects in living organisms has a complex multi-step character and includes vertical as well as horizontal links with a multitude of feedbacks at various stages. Structurally, this complex multi-step biological information transfer can be subdivided into three basic levels:

  1. Generation and transfer of information
  2. Recognition and decoding of initial information
  3. Intracellular transformation of decoded information into new external or outgoing signal.


What is involved in biological information transfer in a normal living system.


Level 1: Stage 1:

Formation of initial signals (First degree messengers).


Level 1: Stage 2:

Transport of first degree messengers to the targeted area.


Level 2: Stage 1:

Reception of first degree messengers by specific cellular receptors (membrane / cytosol / intranuclear).


Level : Stage 2:

Decoding and relaying of initial signal.


Level 3 : Stage 1:

Transformation of molecular signal into cellular biochemical reaction.

Outcome: generation of new information/signal.


When any of these steps of biological information transfer is troubled it results in the formation dysfunction/pathology. 

Practical outcome of BIT

Our initial goal of creating a new singular active substance to treat severe trauma was a failed goal once the full comprehension of BIT was understood. A single bioactive substance does not and can not take full advantage of the three levels of BIT to treat dysfunction/pathology. This understanding was reached after multiple years of experimentation, research and millions of dollars spent on development of new equipment. Forcing our research and development to pivot to a completely different approach from modern science as it still stands today. 


BIONOVA Life science industries
Multiple bioactive substances to reconstruct BIT. Singular bioactive substance to reconstruct BIT.
Multiple bioactive substances affecting on all three levels of BIT. Singular bioactive substance usually represents first degree messengers and/or indirectly triggers first degree messengers activity.

Only some pharmaceutical agents are able to affect the first stages of second level of BIT.
Physiological Dosage:
To achieve normal BIT bioactive substances are used in nano and pico quantities which is the normal buffer range of living cells.
Therapeutical Dosage:
To affect BIT, the usage amount of pharmaceutical substances often exceeds physiological levels (maximum amount of biologically active substances, which naturally can be produced in a Living System) by thousands of times, thus creating new non-physiological pathways.
Combination of the above features imitates normal physiology and keeps informational stability of the living system.

Thus increasing self healing ability of the living system and increasing adaptation mechanisms. Keeping physiological cellular communication and drastically decreasing possible side effects.
Combination of the above factors drastically increases the depth of problematic non-physiological pathways.

Thus increasing long term side effects and causing new dysfunction / pathology.

Using this understanding of basic biochemical and physiological mechanisms of information transfer, a new methodology was developed to repair failed cellular information transfer. This methodology included the development of new non existent technologies. After years of arduous work, experiments and analysis the team of scientists led by Dr. Danielov developed Opti-Path™ and NuCell-Direct™ technologies. The integration of these two technologies created Nanocomplexes.